Pixel Glade

Cool Gifs

This page is a small collection of Cool Gifs I found on GifCities. Coolness is subjective. My mind drifted to old 3D point and click adventure games, Livejournal avatars, forum post banners, and old video games and anime.

If you want to use the animation controls on your own website, check out the Accessible Gif Toggle page where I share code and demos.

Animation Controls

Animations are turned off by default. Instructions:


a flickering candle blinking anime male vampire blinking anime female vampire carrying a scythe an elegant serif 3D letter H rotating in an emerald and gold frame a 3D rotating sword a 3D demon door knocker with glowing red eyes a dripping ruby jewel with a gold howling wolf ornamented overlapping it on the right a 3D walking red dragon a 3D dark ruby crystal ball with a castle and flying dragons inside a 3D red dragon head turning its head and opening its jaw an under construction icon with a skull head appearing and disappearing from a hole in the ground a gold eastern dragon slithering toward a gold orb


Amy from Sonic waving maracas Mecha Sonic jumping and turning from blue to gold Bomberman doing a backflip Cubone blinking and wagging its tail Kirby slicing and swallowing Samus A metroid expanding its claws with sparks inside A metroid idle animation A chozo statue holding a power up in a glowing orb in its claw Ragnarok Online Wizard idle animation


chibi Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist idle animation Edward Elric from the anime looking at the camera while his hair flies around his face A manga art cover reel of characters from Revolutionary Girl Utena Integra from Hellsing looking at the camera while her hair flies in the wind Vampire Hunter D girl idle animation Card Captor Sakura grabbing her staff from the air and swinging it around A Clow Card with Sakura on it spinning


An anime or game character holding a giant glinting sword A female Ranma character lounging in a blouse A blinking female Ranma in a circular decorative border


A rotating 3D neon green skull with grid lines over it A mud frog ribbeting and stretching its legs a glittering starry sky


Gif Cities A searchable database of .gifs from old Geocities websites.

Original Sources

I followed the links from GifCities to some of the original sources. If one is not listed it is because the Gif would not load from the original source or it is included in another page as part of a collection.

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